Saturday, January 25, 2014

From the Art Classroom

I love that my blind and visually impaired art students say, "It's nice to see you."
When something is amiss they might say, "That doesn't look right," and when they understand what I'm talking about, they say, "I see."
The fact that their eyes don't work perfectly, doesn't mean they have to use a different phrases then sighted people. They live in the same world, and deserve to understand what people are talking about when they make references to art. They also deserve to try their hand at art projects. Art, after all, is for everyone.

I recently had my students empty their portfolios onto the wall for a critique. It is so fun to track 
their progress and how see much they've accomplished in the last few months.

I had each student pose in front of their work while I took their pictures. I can't share the photos of them, but I can share a few of their self portraits.

 We talk about line of symmetry and proportions. Mirror's aren't always useful, but students can use their fingers to determine how far apart their eyes are, and what fraction of their head is taken up by their forehead.
This student used wiki sticks to "see" his "drawing" as he worked.

Tessellation projects are are a favorite way to teach math/art concepts of perimeter, shape and pattern. I have a slide lecture of M.C. Escher images that I describe in detail to those who can't see, and then they used wiki sticks to trace the templates they made.

Observational concepts such as linear perspective and use of value to show three dimensions were tackled by my low vision students.   

Right before winter break, we studied Andy Warhol before doing screen prints of snow flakes. And we learned a little about Frank Lloyd Wright and architecture before building and decorating graham cracker houses.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Sandwich Sketchbook

One thing that I really enjoy about participating in Brooklyn Art House's Sketchbook Project is getting to explore a theme. Last week I posted sketches (pen & ink with colored pencil) of animals. Last January, I posted my 2013 sketchbook of shelters. Here are a few images from my 2012 sketchbook o' sandwiches.

To see every page, visit:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Sketchbook Project 2014

While my husband and sons spent the three days after Christmas at scout camp, I hunkered down to fill a 32-page sketchbook. I stayed up late to scratch away, while Psych and West Wing episodes played on Netflix. Then I mailed it off to New York, where it will stay in the Brooklyn Art Library with many other sketch books. If you don't think you'll make the 2014 Sketchbook Project Southeast Tour, fear not, I scanned the images for ya.