Monday, September 2, 2024

GAB Student Mini Exhibit at Georgia College and State University

My students from last school year were able to start school year off with a resumé line thanks to Art Professor Forrest. He hung a min-show of their work in Ennis Hall at GCSU. It is always nice when you can get a little mileage out of student art. Below is the statement by Mr. Forrest describing the work.
The Georgia College & State University (GCSU) Art Department, in collaboration with Kristen Applebee, the Art Teacher at the Georgia Academy for the Blind (GAB), is proud to present an exhibition showcasing the creative works of by over 10 students from GAB. This exhibition features cyanotypes and soft sculptures that uniquely integrate Braille script machines to add texture and depth, allowing the artwork to be experienced through both sight and touch. The cyanotypes, created using traditional photographic processes, capture the delicate interplay of light and shadow, while the soft sculptures are enhanced by the tactile patterns produced by Braille. This collaboration reflects a commitment to accessibility and the belief that art should be a multisensory experience, opening new avenues of creativity for all artists and viewers.
-Matt Forrest

It's nice to start the new year with a resumé line for last year's art students (most of which I still teach