Monday, April 22, 2024

Large DYI Palm Tree Decorations


A new playground area at our school meant lots of cardboard tubes that the poles came in were lying in the ground. I knew when I saw them that our prom theme this year was going to be a Luau. Cardboard tubes from carpet rolls are also great for life DYI palm trees.

In order to get the "trunks" to stand on their own, I collected#10 cans and filled each half way with Quickcrete concrete and water. The tubes needed to be stuck in immediately (while the cement is still wet) and pushed down to the bottom. Paper packing tape can be used to wrap the can and the parts of tube with stickers or other un-trunk like areas.

Then, I folded green bulletin board paper to create a line of symmetry and cut out half a leaf on the non-folded side. I cut slits for the parts of the palm leaf.

My students helped straighten almost 100 metal hangers to use as stiff wire. I used green masking tape to attach the wire to the center of the leaf before curving it slightly.

I used a box cutter to make five slits at the top of the cardboard tube. A few inches was deep enough, The cardboard was so thick that just sliding the part of the wire without a leaf taped to it was enough to hold it in place. 1/3 to 1/2 of the hanger was down in the tube. Paper maché coconuts on ropes were added to some trees by sliding the rope into the slits as well. Hot glue or tape could work on the inside if the tension isn't enough to hold the top of the tree in place.

My students and I made 18 trees for about $18 worth of cement and tape. All the other supplies were donated cans, cardboard tubes, and hangers that were going to be thrown away, and bulletin board paper. I hope everyone gets the beach vibe the minute the walk into the room at prom. And if the one night doesn't seem worth the effort, I take comfort that these trees will also be used for the end of year, faculty party, and a child's jungle birthday after that.

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